How to setup automated email Reports

Setup automated email reports for administrators and group auditors.

Use automated email reports to send monthly updates on your team's performance and progress in the Security Awareness program. The report contains information about the previous month's actions, such as course completions and triggered simulations. It can be configured to include only the progress of a selected group of users. The report is sent via email on the first day of every month.

To activate the automated email report, navigate to Settings > Administrators. Create a new administrator or edit an existing one, and check the option 'Send Summary Report by email. Click Save Settings.

Activate Summary Report

The email report contains no personal data; instead, it provides a summary of users' progress within the selected scope. The scope can only be selected for administrators with the Group Auditor role. You can create and edit group auditors and their scopes under Settings > Administrators. The report also includes a link to the Nimblr portal, where further details and progress can be reviewed.

Nimblr_Monthly _Report